Erfan Eivazi

Erfan Eivazi

Web Developer and Technical Adviser

Professional Skills Summary

Backend Development (Expert): Node.js, Express, NestJS, .Net 5+, C# 9+, RESTful APIs, Web Socket, EJS, Middleware, JWT Authentication, Session-Cookie Authentication, Role-Based Authorization (RBAC), Passport, RabbitMQ, CQRS Pattern, Dependency Injection, Microservices, Clean Architecture, Onion Architecture

Frontend Development (Proficient): HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6+, TypeScript, Angular 9+, Bootstrap, RxJS, Kendo UI, jQuery, SCSS, Responsive Web Design, Flexbox, CSS Grid, CSS Animations

Database (Competent): MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL, MSSQL Server, SQL, LINQ, TypeORM, Elasticsearch, Redis, phpMyAdmin, Workbench, ERD, Database Design

DevOps (Advanced Beginner): Git, npm, yarn, Jira, Azure DevOps, Trello, Slack, PM2, Linux Terminal, Ubuntu, Docker, VMware, Nginx, Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS, XAMPP

Programming (competent): C/C++, C#, Java, MFC, DLL, Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Matlab, Python, AVR, ATMega32, ESP8266, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, PLC Siemens S7 300, VHDL (FPGA)

Work Experience

2021-11 to present

Senior Web Developer at Intelligent Petro Processors

I mostly work on server-side development in GPNet5 project which is a Web-based GIS engineering software for designing, analyzing and simulating gas pipelines networks

.Net 5+ | C# 9+ | Clean Architecture | CQRS Pattern | Dependency Injection | MSSQL Server | LINQ | Microservices | RabbitMQ | TypeScript | NestJS | TypeORM | Angular 9+ | RxJS | Kendo UI | OpenLayers | GIS | OGC Standards (WFS, WMS, WMTS) | TMS | XYZ tiles | GeoServer | Swagger UI | Azure DevOps

2018-06 to 2021-11

Co-founder & Backend Developer at FuDev Group (formerly FuTech Group)

I worked as a backend developer in IranHR project team, an architecture designer and developer of Paradise-Hub CRM project, and a team director in some small projects

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Elasticsearch | Socket.IO | Session-Cookie | JWT | Chat-System | Ticketing-System | Reservation | Payment | Role-Based Authorization

2018-01 to 2018-06

Bootcamp Attendee at Maktab Sharif

A Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | jQuery | Bootstrap | AngularJS | Node.js | Express | EJS | MongoDB | MySQL | Git

2017-10 to 2017-12

Embedded System Programmer at Kinetic Fabrication Studio

I programmed a Smart Wall which was made the plates tracking the people moving in front of it

C | AVR | Arduino | IR-Sensor | Servo-Motors | LED-lighting

2017-06 to 2017-08

Software Developer at Parto Tajhiz Besat

I added some monitoring and controlling features for their control system software

C# | .Net Framework | Windows Forms | USB-Port | USART | RS-232


2013-09 to 2018-01

Shahrood University of Technology

Bachelor's Degree (BE): Robotics Engineering

2009-09 to 2013-06

Allameh Helli 4 High School (NODET)

Diploma: Mathematics and Physics

  • Persian (Farsi)
  • Native Speaker
  • English
  • Intermediate