
Hey👋, This is Erfan. And, here is my digital notebook

My name is Erfan Eivazi. I started programming with C at high school in 2009. After graduating from university in 2017, I went through the Web world, and fully immerse myself in JavaScript and its technologies.

Now, I'm a full stack web developer that prefer to work in server side. I try to study software development best practices, and improve my skills day by day to make better products.

I really love linux and its community, and my favorite distro is Linux Mint, Based on Ubuntu, because of its stability, rich repository and active community.

It's so interesting for me to contribute to open source projects on Github whenever I have free time or face with a problem while using a library. Moreover, developing IoTs and programming embedded systems is an enjoyable hobby for me.

Please feel free to contact me by Additionally, I'm pretty much available on Telegram by @eerFun username.

Finally, you can check my résumé for more details.